Thursday, 22 April 2010

Allotment 22/4/10

In my joy at the my first asparagus spear on Monday you may have missed that I planted out my peas and beans.
I thought that it was warm enough at night for my beans, even when I was questioned about it by my friend Liz I arrogantly stated that they would by fine. Oh how wrong I was.
I popped down today to water my seeds, no rain for at least a fortnight, and was greeted with this,



Dead beans. Probably frozen to death like Captain Scott's co-workers.
Oh well, a mistake was made and will learn from it, maybe. Have planted some more in pots though and hopefully they won't be too far behind.

Monday, 19 April 2010

Allotment 19/4/10

I could go on and on about what I’ve planted and what I’ve done at the allotment (peas and beans by the way) but that would be boring and not as important as this,


That, Ladies and Gentlemen, is my first ever spear of Asparagus. Oh yes, I planted the bed last year and now it is paying dividend. I am so very proud.
Let’s just look at that again,


When it is ready I am going to enjoy it soooooooo much.

Monday, 12 April 2010

Allotment 12/4/10

I realise that I haven't had that much to say on the subject of allotmenting recently. This isn't because I'm not doing anything, much seed germination is taking place (except in the carrot and spring onion area), but it is a little dull and I have talked about it at length. Although I have just potted on my courgette seedlings which is coming along nicely.
Today I put my potatoes in. It is traditional to put your spuds in on Good Friday, which is odd as it moves each year, but this year it was throwing it down with rain so I didn't. It is sunny today so off I trotted with my trowel and my nicely chitted seed potatoes. Into the ground they went and not into the bags this year. I am seeing if I get a better yield as they haven't been very good in the bags (I blame the ants) and I'm am using the same varieties as last year, Pink Fir, Valor and Duke of York, in order to compare properly, so let's see what happens.
Picked some lovely purple sprouting broccoli as well today that was particularly nice with our dinner.