So a while ago I told you of a useful upside of running i.e. that you get to see where stuff grows. Well yesterday I put this knowledge into practise.
It was a beautiful day so I decided to make the most of it. With my rucksack on my back I mounted up. This little journey would require my bike.
Firstly I headed out to the road that leaves Dorchester and heads towards Bere Regis (it's the A35 I think but I'm not sure as I'm not my Dad). This is quiet a busy road so care was needed but luckily they are doing some work on the Roundabout so there were some big gaps in the traffic. I was after apples.
People like me throw their apple cores out of the car window and some of them grow. I think that my haul would have been a little more impressive if I'd been out a week or 2 earlier but I don't think it was too bad, well, all free stuff is good.
They are not the prettiest apples in the world but that really doesn't matter as they taste fantastic.
Now, I wasn't going to do sloe gin this year because we've still got a couple of bottles of last years left but there are so many sloes about this year (well there are here) it seems a little rude not to. This time it was a different road that leaves Dorchester, the one that goes to Yeovil (B3147 that joins the A37 according to Google maps), and I didn't have to go to far to find them. Loads, everywhere.
So I went shopping in the afternoon and bought some cheap gin. Soon the two will be combined and a lovely thing well be created.
I have to admit that I was inspired to go out by a repeat of a River Cottage Autumn that I saw on Sunday afternoon. One of the things that HFW made was Nettle Ale so I thought that I would give it a go.
Nettle picking is never the most fun you can have but a glove and some scissors usually protect you. The recipe is here. As it is the first time I have made it I have made half the quantity in the recipe but I have just had a sneaky little taste and it is coming along nicely.
I'll let you know how it goes.
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